As we predicted earlier about strong developments in the monsoon system after arriving in lower Sindh, a system continues to grow stronger and heavy rainfall with thunderstorms is pouring over Hyderabad, Nooriabad, and Sangharr.

Monsoon depression is revealing its full strength in Hyderabad right now and it will gain more strength in the next 24 hours while moving towards Karachi.
Some areas in Karachi are still experiencing slight downpours which will remain continue with slight intervals till 12 pm. The system will grow stronger over the course of the next 24 hours and will appear with full strength and thunderstorm on Saturday afternoon between 1 pm to 5 pm.

The Satellite representation below shows immense cloud activity over Karachi, with more to appear.

Karachi is probably going to face serious difficulties which will exacerbate the situation in the already falling metropolis, suffering from poor infrastructure and management.
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