How Well You Explore The Features Of WordPress Determines Your Online Marketing Success

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Whichever way you want to drive your online marketing campaign, whether it is SEO, content marketing, video marketing, there is nothing better than using the WordPress platform for creating it. You can create websites from scratch, or if you have a ready site, you can migrate it to WordPress. The attraction of WordPress is its immense, flexibility and almost endless functionalities that the plugins help to achieve. You must first understand what WordPress has to offer and then match it with your requirements. Depending on the type of marketing, you can make use of the SEO friendly features of WordPress to bolster your marketing efforts and direct it towards high performance.  For utilizing the powers of WordPress fully, you have to understand its features well. Let us now see what you can do with WordPress that gives you the cutting edge in marketing on the internet.

Dictate the Search Engines for Indexing

While it is the norm that search engines dictate marketers, there is at least one occasion that WordPress provides when marketers can dictate the search engines. The spiders of search engines are scanning websites continuously, and whenever they come across any new content, they pick it up for indexing. All this happens without informing users. Therefore, whenever you are uploading content in whichever state it might be, even if it is work in progress, it would attract the spiders for indexing. Indexing the half-cooked content does no good for you. To avoid it, you can use the WordPress feature that allows you to tell search engines about your readiness of the content so that only finished and worthwhile content is picked up for indexing.

Prevent Indexing of Duplicate Pages

The best thing about WordPress is that it allows users to communicate with search engines. You can tell search engines which content to index and which ones to leave out.  If you use the same titles for blogs as well as blog categories, then during indexing, search engines would treat it as duplicate content. This would be detrimental to SEO as it affects search ranks adversely. WordPress has a ‘no index’ option that you can invoke in such cases to identify the page that has less relevance and keep it out from the purview of indexing.

Weed Out Poor Quality Links

Only high-quality links should be your target when building the backlink profile, but it is not always possible. Some inferior links would always mix among the good ones. You have to scan the acquired backlinks regularly to identify the poor ones and keep removing it so that you maintain an inventory of good quality links only.  However, in practice, it does not always happen this way. To avoid the search spiders from picking up low-quality links, you can use the WordPress feature that allows activation of the ‘no follow’ option for unwanted hyperlinks. It is a safe way of preventing inferior links from appearing for Page Rank.

Speed up the Website with Plugins

The speed of a website is an essential factor for providing the better user experience.  Both users and search engines love fast loading websites that open pages in a split second and allow switching between pages and content at the same speed.  For making sites open faster, you can use suitable WordPress caching plugins that not only accelerate the speed but also lessens that load on the server. The caching plugins can cache both static and dynamic content, which ensure quick display of pages against queries. The ranking prospects increase with speedy websites because website speed is a ranking factor for Google.

Get More Speed by Optimizing Images

The images on the website contribute to the website speed, and you must be careful that the images occupy minimal space. Large images take a longer time to load, and you have to compress the images for its size without compromising on its quality so that it occupies less space and help faster opening of pages.  You can optimize the pictures and then upload it to the website, or you can optimize images that you have already uploaded by using suitable WordPress plugins.

Use CDN for the Website

Having already done with WordPress caching plugins for enhancing the speed of the website, you must take recourse to optimizing codes that add to the website speed.  It is applicable for large and medium sites. Another way of website speed enhancement is to use CDN or Content Delivery Network.  The system deploys an array of servers for delivering content to users by using the server that is nearest to the user’s location. Naturally, the content reaches the user faster, and it improves website performance.

These are only a fraction of WordPress features, and you can explore much more to suit your needs. There is always something from WordPress for online marketers, and the list keeps growing.

About the author:  Michael Constantine is a WordPress developer and handles projects related to marketing on the internet. An engineer by qualification with a degree in marketing, he is also an avid writer on topics related to his profession. He has numerous marketing successes under his belt.