Rebranding your business is a great marketing strategy that many companies use to attract new customers as well as keep their current customers interested.
There is more to just changing your company logo when you are rebranding your business. A lot of time and effort can go into rebranding but you want to make sure you change the right things and leave the good things unchanged. This is one of the most important ways to rebrand your business if you do not want to lose customer loyalty.
Firstly, you have got to ask yourself, why are you looking to rebrand? Also, how to keep the existing loyal customers that you have had all this time? This will help to transform your business for the better.
Keeping those customers happy
Telling your customers that the company is going to rebrand and to expect a few changes will be great for their experience. Knowing what they can expect and what to look forward to, as well as keeping them in the loop, is something that is greatly appreciated.
An example of this would be changes on the website and how a customer can navigate round the website. This is really important and will make their experience stress free. Another thing you should do is maintain excellent customer service as changes are being made within the company.
However, just because you and your team of employees managed to successfully do all of the above, that does not necessarily mean you can keep them satisfied. Getting the right agency when rebranding will look at your current customers and why they keep on coming back. Developing a vision which not only your employees understand but also your customers.
Getting the right rebranding team onboard
Selecting the right rebranding team is where many businesses slip up, simply because they have not invested their money in the right area. Some businesses like to take a stab in the dark when rebranding and do it themselves in hope that it is successful. This is a massive risk as not having the correct skills or experience in branding can be detrimental.
Spending time finding the correct brand strategy agency to help guide you through the step by step process is vital. They can look deeper into your archives than you ever imagined, putting in the right amount of research to understand your business and understand the vision that you have for the future.
They can tell you what is good and what needs improving to really take every aspect of your business on a positive and thrilling journey. Not only can an excellent brand strategy agency help you from the beginning and build those foundations, but they can also help you with the current ideas that you have in place to take the business to a new level.
Answering the questions
During your rebranding process, questions will arise from all different angles. Not only will your employees be asking why you are doing this but also your customers. Who knows? Even the media could propose some questions about why you are making changes within the business to the extent of rebranding.
So, it is important to be prepared with the questions that could come at you, from all the different sectors. Maybe implementing a page on your website of frequently asked questions could be one way of keeping everyone up to date. If you have a social media page like Facebook or Instagram then maybe get people to ask their questions on there so they can be answered instantly. A fast response to a question that gives the right answer will make everyone happy and will help people to understand the changes being made.
So, you have now got your vision and goals set in place for rebranding. You have prepared a lot of questions that could be asked from not only the existing customers but also potential new customers and the dreaded media. Now, it is time to show the world your excellent plan to make your business go even further than it already is.
The best way to do that is do not shy away from the media. If journalists and bloggers want to write about your business and its rebranding process then welcome it. The more people see the changes within your company the more success is going to come out of it. Why? Because good news attracts new customers, but also keeps the existing ones which makes them spread the word as well.
If your existing clients and customers are witnessing these changes in the front row as well as receiving the excellent customer service that you have provided through all these years, they are only going to spread the word about how great your brand is.
Finally, Design!
Just because this is near the bottom, does certainly not mean it is not important. They are all crucial. Design is something that people spend months contemplating what to change, when it can take the experts a fraction of that time.
Changing the colour scheme and logo of your brand is a massive risk, yet it has the potential to be amazing. Design is a simple way of rebranding that can help keep those customers coming back, so work with a design agency Manchester for some of the best talent in the country.
Remember though, consistency is important when coming to the design method of your brand. So make sure that if one thing changes, for example a logo, then it all has to change. On every single page of your website to your social media pages, and if you have one, the app icon for smartphones has got to change as well.
The importance of it all
All of these elements are important and as long as you pay to attention every single detail when rebranding, and invest in professional help, your brand should be amazing. Just never forget the importance of your brand strategy and everything else will work out.
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