Working In Tech: Why Home Office Makes An Employee More Efficient

If you’re an employee working from home, you are familiar with all the benefits that go together with this wonderful experience and how it affects performance and job satisfaction.

As an employer who’s managing a remote team, you might have seen a boost in productivity and company morale as a result of that. Or maybe you’re thinking of letting some workers do their job from home and see how it goes.

Which industry is the best to promote new, more free and open-minded lifestyles and work attitudes? Tech of course!

1. There’s better work-life balance

One of the most enjoyable aspects of working from home is flexibility. You get to decide when to wake up and start the day, when to take a break and when to work more when you feel like.

While transitioning from an office employee to a work-at-home one might not be easy, once people get used to it, they perform much better and achieve work-life balance like never before.

The time that’s not wasted in commuting can easily be invested in seeing a friend or spending time with loved ones, which is important to maintaining healthy relationships and thus contributing to the happiness levels of the individual.

Also, the average office worker tends to blame all problems in personal life on the job. In the case of someone working from home who structures their own schedule and is motivated to work harder, that isn’t likely to happen.

All in all, letting employees work from home is beneficial to the company and the team. As a result of all of the above, workers will not only be efficient and help the organization move forward, but are also less likely to make a mistake, be tired during the workday, or leave the company.

2. Cutting costs

More and more companies are allowing their workers to do their job from the comfort of their home. They are seeing progress not just in productivity and efficiency, but are also happy to say they save money every month due to having a remote team.

In fact, the same research we mentioned in #1 also found out that having work-at-home employees saved $1,900 per person over the course of 9 months. This is mainly due to saving on furniture and office space, but the financial benefits don’t stop here.

As a result of the points we made above, you also reach your business goals sooner, have hard-working employees who never miss a deadline or disappoint an important client, and can see more input on a daily basis.

3. Less sick days

Working from home also leads to less sick days.

The first evidence is that commuting and the office environment together with the stress it brings are bad for our health. Without these, we won’t get sick often during the year and won’t need to take sick days.

Additionally, even if employees are sick or not feeling good (which would lead to taking some time off the office life), 57% of them prefer to continue doing their work and get paid.

Last but not least, when they are on a vacation, they might still feel like taking their laptops and completing some tasks so that these haven’t piled up once they are back.

Is that not all great to keep yourself and your employees more motivated by giving them more trust and freedom?

Researcher and Content Writer at e-Syndicate Network. A constant learner. Learning and growing every day. Salman has over 5 years of experience in the fields of Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Brand and Business Development.