Find Out How People Found Your Website on Search Engines

Find Out How People Found Your Website on Search Engines

Having a website is the most evaluative aspect of modern marketing which is why it is one of the most important aspects of the business. A website for a company or a business is like an online brochure, contact center, and many other things for a business. Apart from business, a website can be used as a platform to express views. Either personal or commercial. It can be in text, infographics or videos.

In a nutshell, the website is one of the most expressive platforms serving this modern society. Now, there are so many websites, more than billions. The question arises how a person will locate your website in such a gargantuan network of websites. Now, here’s the fun part, People uses Search Engines to locate relevant websites. This is where an SEO specialist can come in handy.

They just type whatever they want to search and Search Engine provides the user with a fully organized list of things he might be interested in. How search engine made that list? That’s the trick one.

Let’s check out some of the pointers which will help you to understand, how search engine make the list of websites.

Crawling and Indexing

To understand the concept of indexing and crawling, Imagine a Search Engine crawler as a bus and the internet as a city. The bus travels in the entire city choosing the best path (Understand it as a link). Now, every time it stops at the bus stop, (Which is usually a web page or a pdf or an image). So, whenever a user asks for something, the search engine crawls the entire city, on the way it keeps on gathering the lists of relevant items. Then it organizes them and presents them to you.

Now, the question arises here is how the crawler knows what’s in the stop? Well, the answer is very interesting, the crawler is informed by us (The website owner or the blog owner). Now, How we do that? Let’s see it here,

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It is a buzzword for many years now. The core definition the is same as it was earlier, however, the practices are very dynamic and fast paced. The changes are so drastic, even if you miss two three things, that could be lethal for your website.

Well, let’s stick to the question and see how the search engine finds the relevancy.

Relevancy through Page Title, Description and Heading

You let the search engine crawler know about your website through your page title, page description, and Heading. Search engine indexes you through the keyword which you plant in your Page Title and page dA keyword is simply a word, by which people will search your website in a Search Engine.

When you mention the keyword in your title, description, and heading of the page, search engine bots index you for the relevance of that keyword. Whenever any user type that “Keyword”, your website will be indexed and listed.

Now, the interesting part is how is website is ranked after being indexed???

Well, no search engine has ever disclosed the algorithms about how they rank the websites, but it is advised that using a keyword enriched content is a must, along with that your website need to be responsive, mobile optimized and user friendly (That is the ace of the card according to most of the SEO expert).

Well, whatever the algorithm is, it keeps on updating and the SEO nerds keep on decrypting the golden rules.

So, This is a rudimentary analysis by which you can say people find your website in the huge network of the internet.

Researcher and Content Writer at e-Syndicate Network. A constant learner. Learning and growing every day. Salman has over 5 years of experience in the fields of Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Brand and Business Development.