Do you really understand how to apply perfume the right way so that every single day you get the most out of it? Maybe you don’t and that could make a large difference in how long your scent lasts and how it really smells on you.
With a few helpful hints on the art of layering your fragrance, however, you will learn that you will smell great all day long and would never have to reapply your fragrance.
You may know that perfume interacts with your own body chemistry to give you the distinctive smell that is noticed by everyone. Many people miss out on this because they tend to spray their fragrances on their clothing and ignore where the perfume is supposed to go, which is on the body.
If you spray your perfume onto your clothes, the only thing you really get is scented clothes, which is almost a waste of your precious perfume.
You might also be interested to know that since perfume is made partly of oils, as it warms with contact to the skin, it will help to give you the essential “fragrance halo” which you seek.
The first thing you should understand, therefore, is that the correct implementation of the perfume starts with contact with the skin. You should also know that if you apply it to dry skin, your fragrance won’t last long, so if you’re working the right way to apply your perfume, but it’s going onto dry skin, you’ll find that it doesn’t last very long at all.
Consider ensuring that your skin is properly moisturized and that extra moisture is needed. You might want to rub some petroleum jelly or high moisturizing lotion into your skin to bring the extra boost you’re looking for to your fragrance.
How to Apply Perfume the right way:
You might think that it’s easy to know how or where to apply your perfume, but you should know that you don’t have to spray as much as you think or you might be able to get away with much less than you think. Some people like to spray their clothing, such as coats, but if you wear a bit behind the ears, it’s likely that you will get fragrance there anyway, so save the expense.

Instead, when you’re applying your perfume, consider how you will be wearing it and what type of clothing you’re wearing for the day. For instance, dresses, skirts, and shorts? Give a squirt to the back of each knee so you can gently trail the fragrance behind you. Plus, because it’s further from the nose, this is good for daytime use.
Wearing a v-neck and a delicate or subtle fragrance, or scoop neck? Add some for your own pleasure to the cleavage and add a little fragrance boost. Plus, if you’re out on a date or at the club, this can be nice if that special someone has to lean in to talk to you a little bit.
Do not rub your wrists together when you spray on them, because this can cause the fragrance to get “crushed.” If you choose to spray the wrists, consider a spritz at the hollow of the base of your neck if it’s a light fragrance, otherwise, apply a small amount behind the ears, but always make sure not to overdo your scent, as this will make it overbearing and unpleasant.
Properly applying your fragrance might seem easy, but if you aren’t sure, you’re better off to use less for starters. You’d be amazed to see how far a little fragrance actually goes.
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