2019 SEO Trends And What Works

sacramento seo trends

For a very long time, SEO has been one of the major imperative digital marketing strategies
to gain prominence on the internet. Despite this fact, a lot of people are still not doing it
well. It’s 2019 already if SEO isn’t working for you yet, it simply means you are lacking behind or not staying updated with SEO tools that really work.

Times are changing; Google algorithm is changing, so you don’t expect that SEO will be the same without the latest updates and touch-ups. Absolutely NO. Digital marketing trends come and go every time, so there are important trends that professionals and entrepreneurs are using to leverage to rank. Every business owner knows how important SEO is to their digital business, so it is only appropriate that you work around the following effective and latest SEO trend that works in 2019.

The essence of going with these 2019 trends is the fact that your competitors are doing it and
they will use it to win at competition no time, so if you intend to stay in the game, you need
to up your game. With new trends and updates, you can build on your existing strategy and optimize your overall performance to do better. A Sacramento SEO company has come up with a list of 2019 SEO trend that can boost new heights and pave way for future growth.

Go Visual

Do you really want to get more traffic on your website? Then you should do more of visuals
this year. Studies have shown that visual search stimulates the interest of people more than word entries. The visual search technology is very easy for your customers to find your products. Visual search is increasingly changing search marketing greatly.

This trend allows people who are searching for a product like yours to make use of images like
a photo or screenshot. This trend has really been increasing sales of businesses online. Visual search is available on platforms including Google, Pinterest, Bing, and some others. Basically, you are doing a matching style when you use any of these platforms. So, internet users searching for products can upload a picture with visual search questions like “show me something like this” or “I don’t know exactly what I want, but something like this will do.

As a website owner looking to optimize your website for visual searches, you need to include a lot of images in your articles. Your potential customers can easily see this and get attracted to your products and services, and you will also be getting more sales from visual searches because Google will readily provide your product for match styles.

Voice Search Optimization

2019 has witnessed a lot of people making searches on websites through voice usage. This
trend continues to be popular and accessible to a great number of people. You won’t believe
how many people use voice search to access different websites on the internet. If this is
happening, there’s every reason why you should optimize your website contents for voice searches. A survey around voice search usage shows that about 55% of adults and 41% of children use the voice search daily.

Voice searches are usually longer than word entries; therefore, you should make your SEO to focus on using keywords of about 7 to 9 words. Your content should answer the What, How, When, and Where questions. You should move to the next big thing in 2019 by optimizing your website for local search and FAQs. Think of it this way, when you type a search in Google you may type “Sacramento SEO Companies”. Where as when you ask Siri you may say “What are the best SEO companies in Sacramento”.

Local Search Targeting

2019 is about conquering your territory first. Local searches are relevant as people are
constantly searching for the best products and services around them. Local SEO is an SEO
strategy that you can use to win at competitions and get known as one of the best in your geographical region.

You need to start your local search by clearly marking out the local market that you target.
Include your city or town in your meta titles and descriptions, with the name of your service.

Local details and contact details on your web pages are important. Also, ensure that you
localize your content. Add your business name; an example is Sacramento SEO. Right now, it’s
no longer about if you should do it, but if you can do that right away. Sacramento SEO can put you through on a better way to maximize the benefits of local search optimization.

Invest In Technical SEO

If you do not up your Technical SEO game in 2019, it simply means you are not doing SEO at
all. Technical SEO entails all the aspects of SEO that you need to work on to rank high on
Google. It ensures that your website is compatible with search engine guidelines. Sacramento SEO can help you optimize your website for better ranking. It doesn’t matter If you didn’t put technical SEO into consideration when constructing your website, Sacramento SEO can identify and fix these problems for you.

You have to come to a decision to optimize your website for easy crawlability. No matter how long you’ve got your website running, Sacramento SEO is a professional SEO company that can solve your SEO technical problems so that you can rank high in 2019.

Satisfy Search Intent

It is not enough that you can throw keywords around; you need to satisfy the search intent
and give search users exactly what they want. Google is looking to rank websites that can
provide answers to the need of internet users. You should understand and be able to answer what someone is expecting to get from a question asked in the simplest way. Not many people are ready to start going over something they don’t need. Be ready to give simple and direct answers to user’s questions on the question phrase typed in search engines.

Ensure to tailor your content in a way that will enhance your audiences journey to
enlightenment. Your content should be educative and informative in order to keep your audiences to keep coming back.

Interact With Your Audience/ Customers

Your website should be responsive in every way. Interaction with customers and audiences is an important trend that can bring more traffic to your website. People love a platform where they can share their opinions and views and give recommendations, reviews, and feedbacks.

You shouldn’t deny your audience that opportunity, so build interaction with them on your website and on social media. This will make you have a strong connection with your audience, which would, in turn, earn you great reviews that will make search engines and users happy.

Upgrade Your Content

Upgrade your content to be quality long-form educating contents. Long-form content can
produce a higher Google ranking. It’s going to be a major gain for you if you have more words on your web pages, just like the one you are reading right now. The theme for building
contents in 2019 is to have long, well-written, educative, informative, and interesting
content on your page. Just make your content awesome and see how things change real

Here you have what it takes to be better at SEO. These trends can help you achieve more in 2019. To achieve an effective SEO all the step of the way, Sacramento SEO is right here to
help you. Image Vertical is a professional SEO company with the objective of giving ultimate
solutions to your SEO needs.

Researcher and Content Writer at e-Syndicate Network. A constant learner. Learning and growing every day. Salman has over 5 years of experience in the fields of Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Brand and Business Development.