With everything getting digitalized, GOVT can probably offer a Standard Labor hiring app

With everything getting digitalized, GOVT can probably offer a Standard Labor hiring app

It was back in 1886 when workers in Chicago strike against eight hour-long work day when Chicago polices shut their voices. World remembered their endeavor and decided to dedicate the day to every breadwinner on the planet. But what was the point of naming a day when the person does not get any reward for it?  Even today, workers spend 16-18 hours in labor and still have to quarrel for their underestimated wages.

With everything getting digitalized, GOVT can probably offer a Standard Labor hiring app with set rules and prices. This might not serve for the commercial benefits but will definitely serve the cause. Technology is user-friendly and a labor hiring app can systemize the process, keep the record of every single activity within the country, and keep check and balance. This action will also discourage the exploitation and injustice.

Collecting the data of illiterate population is also challenging. Such an app can help the GOVT to keep a track of its laborers. In every way, it sounds a valid suggestion.

What do you think? Do share your suggestions.

I am a writer and critic with a passion for Politics and International relations. Being a business graduate, I work in one of the fastest growing IT companies in Pakistan. I am also the co-founder and have remained editor-in-chief of IU Gazette. I consider learning as vital as breathing and love to inspire and be inspired.