The family of a student, Namrita, from Bibi Aseefa Dental College (BADC), whose body was found in a Larkana hostel two days ago, has rejected the post-mortem report and demanded that the government form a special committee to investigate her death.
According to the post-mortem report, no marks were found on Namrita’s skin. However, her brother said that there were wounds on both her arms and right leg.
Earlier on September 17, the brother of Namrita had expressed suspicion of the ‘murder’ of her sister at the Chandka Medical College after rejecting the claims of her suicide.
Namrita’s brother Dr. Vishal said that he had an X-ray report of Namrita and a black colour on her neck was also visible when he saw her body.
“We are not satisfied,” he said. “A special committee should be formed. Because we want justice.”
The police have arrested at least two suspects in alleged murder case of Namrita.
According to Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Larkana, the suspects were close friends and classmates of Namrita.
The police officer said that some of the text messages had been removed from Namrita’s cell phone. Her mobile phone had been sent for forensic examination to FIA head office in Islamabad, he added.
The Sindh government has written a letter to sessions judge Larkana for a judicial inquiry into her death. The provincial government requested the judge to complete the probe within 30 days.
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