The Key to a Successful Job Interview for a Cannabis Job

Every job that you apply for nowadays often requests a job interview before your application can be taken to the next level. These can be particularly scary and horrible experiences for most people. Sometimes it takes many bad interviews for you to gain the necessary experience to really do yourself justice in an interview.

Sometimes there can be upwards of twenty people being interviewed for just one position, so trying to show that you are the one to hire can be a very difficult undertaking! You need to demonstrate that you have something different to offer compared to the competition.

If you browse a cannabis jobs website such as, you will see that there are a wide range of jobs in the cannabis industry being advertised, but we know that every job is ultra-competitive. If you are lucky enough to land an interview, here are some tips we recommend you follow to maximize your chances of becoming successful.

Swot Up on the Basics

If you are having an interview for a dispensary position, for example, it is important you research what their best-selling strains are and their genetic makeup and effects. Interviewers will be looking for someone who has a working knowledge of the strains.

Dress Appropriately

The cannabis industry tends to be quite informal. We wouldn’t recommend that you go in with an expensive three-piece suit, as this communicates the wrong message to your interviewer. It is important to avoid the corporate and rigid look. Can you investigate to see what other employees are wearing? If you can’t find out what they are wearing, you can maybe see on their social media.

Take Your Resume to the Next Level

Don’t bore your potential employer with long and boring resumes. It is important to keep the document short and concise. You don’t want your application to be overlooked. Make sure you don’t lie, as an increasing number of employers, especially in the cannabis industry tend to do background checks. Don’t risk your credibility with any tall tales! Employers prefer to see a vibrant and dynamic resume which shows your personality.

If you are on the lookout for jobs in your local area, have a look at the cannabis jobs near me tool on – Good luck!

Researcher and Content Writer at e-Syndicate Network. A constant learner. Learning and growing every day. Salman has over 5 years of experience in the fields of Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Brand and Business Development.