Recruitment Agencies And Their Working Principles

Recruitment Agencies And Their Working Principles

The hidden job market represents about 75 to 95 percent of all available jobs, according to Live Career. That means only 5 to 25 percent of all jobs are advertised. Therefore, if you just focus on the available jobs in the newspaper and online, you are missing out on the majority of job openings. That’s where recruitment agencies or executive search firms can help you. Representatives of recruitment agencies usually work on commission. They base their entire incomes on mining for jobs, then finding people to fill those positions. Consequently, you can rest assured that recruitment agencies have as much at stake as you–even more-in helping you locate the right job.

Recruitment agents are highly experienced in finding open positions. They usually work with certain types of professions, such as sales and marketing. These agents usually start by calling companies in specific areas. Some handle multiple states, or even smaller cities exclusively. Whatever the case, they usually call many companies per day. The advantage of using a recruitment agency is that they know who to call for certain positions. They may talk to marketing directors, for example, when mining jobs for marketing professionals. The agents also know how to get around certain gatekeepers. These are secretaries or administrative assistants who screen calls for their bosses.

Once they find open positions, recruitment agencies will usually start searching for candidates to fill those jobs. Sometimes, they call managers or executives of companies directly. They also place ads that specifically state the type of individual in which they are looking. This eliminates time spent in talking to unqualified individuals. The agent may have to weed through resumes because some people will apply despite a lack of qualification. But companies can be assured that the people they interview have the experience and education they need for available jobs. And job seekers can be confident that agents who call them know a particular company is interested in their talent.

Most recruitment agents do not see job seekers in person. They can usually determine their talents through interviews and how well the person communicates their skills. Like companies, agents are looking for people who have excitement for their work, and can demonstrate they can do the job. The first interview is usually a pre-screening. The agent will then call one or more companies to determine if they are interested in the candidate. An interview will be arranged if the company is interested in the job applicant.

A recruitment agent is like having another person in your corner to help you land a job, or help your company find the right person. These professionals save people time. They also help people with self assessment, resumes and interviewing techniques (source).