Potential Travel Changes To The UK Post Brexit

Potential Travel Changes To The UK Post Brexit

Brexit has left a lot of question around the future of the UK and its current situation, all the positives are being laid out to offer the public confidence in the choices made, but what are the negative changes that we’re not aware of? Here’s look at some potential changes Brexit may have in the UK.

Borderless Travel

For anyone living here on a UK visa, this factor will remain unchanged. You won’t need to acquire another visa to travel to the EU, the protocol for passport control will remain the same. Sadly, to UK citizens, airport congestion is likely to increase by massive amounts, as a separate line for non-EU citizens will need to be used.

Increased Air Fares

Low budget airlines around Europe have always been able to thrive off customers who are looking for a no-frills travelling option. They’re not as comfortable and the service and experience aren’t as good but the prices are kept low for those travelling on a budget and both parties are happy with the situation. However new flight routes and budget travel has always been negotiated through the EU and new deals must be made in order to keep the service as efficient. The negotiations are likely to take place in the next 2 years and may change current option for the worst in the UK.

A popular aspect of UK law includes generous compensation available to UK citizens if flights are delayed or cancelled. Passengers are entitled to this under EU law, which could soon change, and the likelihood of British airlines are going to rally together after Brexit and if this law changes, the negative impact will affect the public rather than the airlines.

The Sterling Pound

A massive talking point after Brexit, the British pound has become a weaker currency after the Brexit vote. Financial experts have predicted that the vote could dramatically hit the British pound by up to 25%. Which puts the pound at its lowest point against the USD and Euro. Both short and long-term travel plans could be affected by this drop.


Having the ability to work anywhere in the EU was always a benefit for most people wanting to travel. It was a luxury were people to travel to European countries and work whilst exploring new places, sadly as 2019 approaches these rules will have to be rethought and it’s likely that which parties are not benefitting as much, will want to make changes.

A few issues that may be trivial in the grand scheme of Brexit, but they will have some major impacts on the future of the country financially. Whether it’s problems with the government or issues that the public want addressing the Brexit decision needs to focus on how to turn these negatives into positives. It’s making moving to UK from US an undesirable idea and the UK is beginning to show signs of weakness.

Researcher and Content Writer at e-Syndicate Network. A constant learner. Learning and growing every day. Salman has over 5 years of experience in the fields of Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Brand and Business Development.