Benefits and Factors to Consider In Google Analytics In-Page Report

Google Analytics is an excellent tool that helps in providing information about the failure or success of the online marketing efforts. With the help of analytics a SEO can easily find about the sources of traffic to the website and the different aspects that need improvement on the website.

Most of the webmasters pay emphasis on the sources of traffic aspect of Analytics; however, the equally fruitful aspect is the part of Analytics that provides information about the changes that can be brought in the website to improve its performance. Experienced search engine optimization services providers use both the features of Google Analytics. The lines below explain how In-page analytics can be beneficial for online marketing and the factors to consider while interpreting the In-page Analytics data.

 Beneficence of In-Page Analytics:

As the name indicates, this data from analytics can provide useful information to the SEO pertaining to the web page. Some of the areas in which the data can prove to be beneficial are given below.

1. Visual Context:

Compared to the Visitors Flow report available in the Visitors section of the Analytics, the In-Page analytics is a far smarter option. The Visitors Flow report comes with no visual context of the website, whereas, the In-Page analytics adds the context to your report, making it easy to identify measure and evaluate the goals of the website.

2. Popular Content and Links:

The In-Page Analytics also helps you in quickly viewing the webpage and making a decision about the links that are working well compared to those which do not perform well. On the basis of report, you can also judge about the kind of content that is popular among the audience and the links that receive more clicks.

3. Effectiveness of Links:

Besides being a source of information for the well performing links, the In-Page analytics report also provided information about several other factors associated with links.

  • It provides information about the links that are being ignored by the users.
  • It shows the effectiveness of the links.
  • It provides information about the links that need improvement.
  • It also provides information about the how the call to actions can be better arranged to achieve more success.

4. Page Layout:

The In-Page Analytics report can also help you in assessing your page layout and analyzing it whether it is optimal or not. The page layout is optimal if the user take the action you expect them to take, depending upon the visibility of content you want them to see.

Factors To Consider While Interpreting In-Page Analytics:

There are several factors that an internet marketing firm considers while interpreting the data of the report. Some of the factors include:

  • The time frame that is selected for the data of the report, you need to select the data report as per your strategy formulation requirement.
  • The nature of the website also predicts the usefulness of the report. The report is more useful for static websites and pages.
  • As far as investigating the navigation of a blog is concerned, the report would only display the current design of the website only in the layout part.


In short, the In-Page Analytics report can be as beneficial as the general Analytics report that provides information about the source of traffic. With In-Page analytics a website can be made more better in terms of its orientation with goals and objectives.

Researcher and Content Writer at e-Syndicate Network. A constant learner. Learning and growing every day. Salman has over 5 years of experience in the fields of Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Brand and Business Development.