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How To Create A Cosy Sleeping Environment To Improve Sleep

How To Create A Cosy Sleeping Environment To Improve Sleep

Many of us struggle with sleep for one reason or another, so creating a cosy sleeping environment is key. We all deserve to get a good night’s sleep as it has such an impact on our lives, so make a few simple changes and you should notice a big difference! 


Living in a cluttered space can disrupt all elements of life, including your sleep. Clutter and mess can induce stress and anxiety for people, so trying to sleep in that environment is bound to make sleep more difficult. Spending 5-10 minutes clearing any mess away before you go to sleep, this could subconsciously make you feel more relaxed and in control. 

Use Essential Oils

Certain essential oils are known to have soothing effects, so many people use them to help with sleeping issues. Lavender, chamomile and sage are some of the most soothing oils. You can inhale essential oils, apply them directly to your skin or even add them to bath water. For bed, one of the most popular methods is to use a diffuser. This will disperse essential oils into the air so they can be inhaled gradually. 

When you are getting ready for bed, turn your diffuser on for 15 minutes so your room is filled with wonderful essential oils which may help to improve your ability to get to sleep. 

Light Blocking Blinds

Using light blocking blinds is a fantastic way to help you sleep. The absence of light in the room signals to the body that it is time for sleep, so having custom blinds fitted that block out any light can completely transform people’s sleeping experience. 

It has also been suggested that sleeping when it’s really dark can encourage the release of melatonin, which is used to help control your sleep cycle and it also fights diseases in the body. This is a small investment that could really help you to sleep for longer and also more deeply. 

You should also avoid having really bright white lighting in your bedroom in bedside lights and ceiling lights, as they can encourage you to stay awake. Instead, you should opt for dim yellow lighting which can make you feel more relaxed and potentially sleepy. It’s less harsh on the eyes and it’s a simple swap that could make a big difference. 

Find Your Perfect Mattress

The key to falling asleep is being comfortable, so investing in a good mattress is essential. Everyone has different preferences when it comes to mattresses, however medium-firm mattresses are advised in order to help with spinal alignment as well as comfort. Poor quality and uncomfortable mattresses can also cause back problems, which will only get worse over time. 

Good quality mattresses may be expensive, however it is definitely an investment worth making. Generally quality mattresses last for around 10 years and we think spending a decent amount of money in order to get a good night’s sleep for that amount of time isn’t bad! 

Take The TV Out of Your Bedroom

Having any kind of screen in your bedroom, or using screens less than 30 minutes before you go to sleep, can seriously impact your ability to sleep. Blue light can block the brain’s ability to produce melatonin, which as mentioned previously, is essential in helping you to sleep. This means it will take you longer to fall asleep, and in this time, it is likely you will start overthinking things, making it even hard to sleep. 

When you have a TV in your bedroom or your phone by your bed, it can be tempting to just watch one programme or have a scroll before going to sleep. So, remove any screens from your room. You may have your phone in the bedroom for an alarm, but make sure that you place it somewhere that makes it difficult to quickly pick up. Try placing your phone on a table or surface on the other side of the room, as this will help you resist going on it before sleep and it will also give you a good reason to get out of bed straight away when your alarm goes off! You will get a better sleep and also make the most of the day the following morning. 

Decorate With Calming Colours

Decorating your bedroom with calming colours is a great way to help with sleep. Having extremely bright colours or bold patterns could be an issue when it comes to sleep, as it might engage the brain just when it should be calming down. Go for calm colours like soft blues or purples, as your brains are more receptive to these colours. 

Read A Book

Reading a book before you go to bed can help to improve sleep. Escaping into a book can help to clear your mind before going to sleep and it is also a great alternative to spending time on screens. You can distract your mind from any troubles you may have which will help you drift off easier. 

Avoid reading anything from the horror or thriller genres, as this is likely to wake the brain up! Stick to simple escapism that will relax you before it’s time to go to sleep. Around 30 minutes of reading before bed should help!

Avoid Sugar 

Avoiding sugary foods before going to bed should help you to sleep. Try to ditch the sugary foods for around 2 hours before you sleep, as it has the potential to give you an unwanted burst of energy when you are ready for bed. Instead, try switching out your sugary snacks for caffeine free tea or nuts, which can help to encourage the body to switch off and sleep! 

Final Thoughts

Sleep can be difficult for a range of different reasons, so try different methods and see what works best for you! As it is such an important element of your life, spending time and a bit of money on improving it will be one of the best investments you can make.