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Tips from Successful Female Entrepreneurs For Surviving In A Male Dominated Industry

Tips from Successful Female Entrepreneurs for Surviving In a Male Dominated Industry

Thirty years ago, the idea of a woman being an entrepreneur or having a career, in short, was an anomaly. Corporate America would eye a working woman suspiciously as they were considered to be “homemakers” and lead a domestic life rather than compete head to head with their male counterparts. However, though today, women make 47 percent of the workforce, there is a strong, established bias towards the role that they play in the workplace even now. This prevalence of unfair treatment towards women has led to a lot of talent being kept under wraps for fear of being humiliated. News and reports of sexual assault against women, gender inequality, and other similar issues are clear evidence as to how far women have come, and that we are still marinating in a male-dominated world. There is still a lot that needs to be done to give women more power in the workplace. There is a greater need to appreciate their work and also create a safe space for them within the office. Not being able to provide women with a sense of security is also the reason why so many of them fail to establish themselves as leaders in their market. Being able to provide all that will help nurture women as leaders and allow them to ender other fields of work that are currently more male-dominated. Here are some ways you can be a powerful woman in a male-dominated world: Become a person your company will value

If you are waiting for somebody to recognize the value that you have to offer, then you will be left waiting forever. You will need to recognize your own worth within the company and speak up. If you wish to work on a certain project, then you will need to speak up. If you wish to lead a team, then you will have to say so. No one will be able to appreciate the contributions that you make till you are able to appreciate them yourself. You will have to work hard to become known for your skills within the organization and be considered as someone who can be counted on. Speak up

A lot of studies have indicated that women are much likelier than men to not speak up in a meeting, and when they do, they would be apologetic for their opinion. The more you apologize for expressing your opinion, the lesser it will be considered seriously. Mona Maine de Biran, an American businesswoman, and entrepreneur who has achieved success in not one, but two, male-dominated industries—fragrance and technology— says women too often overestimate men and defer to them as authorities. “I’ve seen a lot of well-educated men make glaring mistakes for lack of logic, proper perspective, common sense or simply because their egos deluded them into thinking they were incapable of being wrong. It’s a mistake to talk yourself into keeping quiet because you think they know more or better than you when they very well may not.” Be aware of your strengths

In order to become valuable to the company, you will need to know what your strengths are. Everybody has something they are good at, and an individual cannot be good at everything. This is why you must recognize your strengths and weaknesses and devise your moves accordingly. As the female founder of KIERIN NYC, Mona has garnered a lot of praise from her consumers, the fragrance community at large, and seen immense success in her field. Advocating for gender equality and respect for the individual, Mona’s most important tip to women is to be themselves. “To be successful in a male-dominated industry, it’s not necessary to mimic some caricature of an alpha male. Just be you, master you, play to win, and be persistent. Those who never give up, always win.” Mona Maine de Biran | CEO & co-FOUNDER