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Serving the Underserved – Health for Everyone


iVH HIT (by iValueHealth.NET) became the world’s first application to provide “Health Tips” on Coronavirus CoViD-19 early this year. Today, more than 350 000 people are benefiting from the “IVH HIT ” CoViD-19 service already.

Focusing on the “Health for Everyone” goal, iValueHealth.NET has taken a step forward breaking down communication barriers. We are happy to announce that we have added a “voice” capability to our platform, and all the Tips content can listen to now. It is extremely helpful where the literacy level is lower and/or people have some disabilities. Today, iValueHealth.NET becomes one of the richest and important platforms that is accessible not just by text but over voice as well. We already had 150k+ content, and it’s almost doubled now.

Platform launches “voice” / “text-to-speech” functionality, and all the content can listen in more than 10 languages (e.g. English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Bahasa, etc). The new voice service not only for the Coronavirus CoViD-19 disease but for all 70+ other categories. Thus, everyone can listen to daily health tips on “what to do” and “what not to do”, and are empowered in order to focus their daily basis in the right and sustainable manner. Communities with less literacy, disable world, etc., shall benefit even more. Such segments will have access to information now, higher awareness, and become more inclusive.

As a reminder, this application is neither intended to replace any medical professional nor treatment. Service is open to all the institutional partners (public and/or private companies) who want to contribute and increase awareness fighting against the diseases. Application “IVH HIT” can be downloaded on Google Play Store or iOS AppStore, and all users can access the voice service at http://www.iValueHealth.NET as well.

About www.iValueHealth.NET:

It is one of the largest multilingual Healthcare Social platforms. It has about 2 million members and offers a white-labeled digital healthcare platform (B2B, B2B2C, B2C) to increase health awareness and promote health inclusion “Health for Everyone,” and using “Mobile for Growth.”

Google Play: