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The missing bear cub caught outside Peshawar Zoo

A two-month-old bear cub that escaped the Peshawar Zoo three days ago was found Saturday morning.

The bear cub escaped its cage after a caretaker accidentally left it open. The bear cub and its mother had been confiscated by the wildlife department at a check-post in Upper Dir a few days ago which were illegally brought from Afghanistan. They were then shifted to the Peshawar Zoo.

The administration and police searched all over for the cub and the administration believed it was still in the zoo. However, it was found in the bushes outside the nearby forest department office. Staff encountered some difficulties capturing the cub but finally managed to grab it and put it in a sack. It has been brought back to the zoo.

Officials say the cub is fine and didn’t suffer from its jaunting. However, it hasn’t eaten properly for three days. As a precaution, it was taken to a veterinary hospital for a checkup.