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Gulf attack explained: Iran’s aggression or USA’s false flag

Gulf attack explained: Iran’s aggression or USA’s false flag

The USA is a con artist and probably the best in history.  Propaganda and lies are the building blocks of US diplomacy.  And if anyone ever threatens US hegemony, even the devil may run for cover. The USA is playing an infinite game with fixed objectives but no rules.  And its war mania is always at the peak.

Russia is probably the only nation that makes the USA think before it does anything, and now China and Iran are also in Anti-USA club. With China, the USA has engaged itself in economic war but with Iran, the US is in a ready to fight mood all the time. And Iran apparently not buying the idea of subjugation.

US media is constantly bashing Iran for causing at the outskirts of its border. But the timing o the event made it skeptical.  The tanker attack happens in the Gulf of Oman when (after 40 years of revolution) the first time a Japanese leader is in Tehran for a diplomatic tour. Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was in Iran was having a meeting with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Two tankers Norwegian-owned Front Altair and Japanese-owned Kokuka Courageous en route to Japan were reportedly attacked.

Top notch US diplomats, National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran of regional terrorism. And all this was done immediately after the attack and without any evidence. The footages recovered from satellite showed Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) trying to remove an unexploded mine from the Kokuka Courageous. But Yutaka Katada, the company’s president, citing accounts from the ship’s crew, said Friday: “I do not think there was a time bomb or an object attached to the side of the ship.” Senior American officials have said that mines were used in attacks whereas Katada’s crew stated that ship was attacked by a flying object.