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Types of Commercial Air Conditioning

Shops always look to keep customer satisfaction as high as possible when they are in their store. While in offices, it is considered the employer’s responsibility to provide a healthy and comfortable working environment for its employees. Therefore, it goes without saying that one piece of equipment both places would be interested in is air conditioning. Especially during the Australian summer, when the rapid jump in temperature can become a major concern.

But when it comes to commercial air conditioning there are several different options to choose from. So how do you know which one would suit your business’s needs? We have taken the liberty of supplying some key information on a number of the current commercial air conditioning systems on the market to help you make a more informed decision:

Single Split System

This kind of air conditioning system is suitable for small businesses and offices. This is probably the cheapest of all the air conditioning options. This kind of air conditioning system is ideal for cooling individual rooms. For cooling several rooms, a combination of two or more units can do the job. One more advantage of this kind of system is the independency of the units – meaning if one unit breaks down, the damage is only restricted to the one unit while the others remain functional. However, it is important to note that this system requires an ample space outside for its external component which isn’t hidden.

Small establishments like small offices, shops, and small restaurants would be best for this kind of system.

Multi-Split System

In most ways, multi-split systems work like single split systems. But unlike single split systems, this system allows you to connect a maximum of nine indoor units. Installation of multi-split systems is more expensive than single split units, due to installation of more pipelines.

This is suitable for businesses that usually have frequent door activity – doors or windows opening and closing several times a day. This system has sensors in each unit which allow for detection of room temperature and alterations to be made to keep the same temperature across different zones. Also, since it can handle connections of up to nine units, you are not restricted to one type of air conditioner, so you can install window mounted air conditioners, ceiling mounted air conditioners, or a combination of both to your system.

This system is best for establishments like hotels, restaurants, and large offices.

VRF or VRV System

Variable Refrigerant Flow or Variable Refrigerant Volume Systems are best for medium to large establishments. These systems are the most expensive since they are the most capable of cooling and heating the largest types of establishments. There are two types of VRF/VRV system:

Heat Pump – this type of VRF/VRV can provide both heating and cooling for a certain establishment all running in the same mode.

Heat Recovery – this type of VRF/VRV is suitable for buildings with a lot of separate rooms since it is capable of heating one room and cooling another. It also is very efficient since this system has mechanisms that use the heat from one room to cool the other.  

Large hotels, offices, and retail spaces often use this kind of air conditioning system.


Although installing an air conditioning unit may prove to be costly, it is a highly worthwhile investment. It guarantees the efficiency of your service to your customers and promotes a conducive working environment for your employees. For further assistance, service providers often offer consultation services.