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Sony reveals new PlayStation 5 details

Sony reveals new PlayStation 5 details

PlayStation previously claimed that thanks to a custom solid-state drive (SSD), its next-generation console (commonly referred to as the PS5, although it was not officially named) could almost completely eliminate load times. That’s been a huge claim and it’s easy to be doubtful when you are not showing any evidence, but now a new video has popped up showcasing these load times in action and Sony was actually serious about the claim.

Sony will not make its usual appearance at this year’s E3 press conference, but the company is sure to reveal some information about its next-gen console. The PlayStation 5 is capable of supporting existing PS4 titles with 8K graphics, SSD storage, 3D audio, and backward compatibility. That SSD storage should be able to greatly enhance load times, and that’s exactly what Sony was sure to display.

Sony demonstrated how much more powerful the upcoming PlayStation 5 will be compared to the current PlayStation 4 Pro during the presentation. They achieved this by depicting a side by side comparison as both processors loaded up a single image. Where the PS4 Pro took just over eight seconds to do this, the PS5 took just under one.

The company has so far revealed that the upcoming system will have all new graphics and central processing units, 8k graphics support, immersive 3D audio, backward compatibility, ray tracing, disk support, and SSD support.

It’s nice to hear the fact that PS4 will still be around for a long time considering that Mortal Kombat 11 just dropped last month, and most major fighters are seeing continued development via post-launch DLC. Even though PlayStation 5 will be released later next year, it will not necessarily mean the end of support for the titles already established.