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Is Modi Government back in Power? – Final Phase of Voting in Progress

Is Modi Government back in Power

The seventh and final round of election is on the way in India. Around 100 million Indians are eligible to vote in 59 constituencies including Varanasi, which is the constituency of Narendra Modi. On Sunday, Indians from seven states including politically-critical Uttar Pradesh in the north and West Bengal in the east are using their democratic right to choose the next ruling party.

A six-week long campaign was run by all parties most notably Bharti Janata Party (BJP). The ruling party is struggling to stay intact in power. The seating criteria is 13 seats in Punjab and an equal number in Uttar Pradesh, eight each in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, nine in West Bengal, four in Himachal Pradesh and three in Jharkhand and Chandigarh.

The counting of votes is scheduled on May 23, 2019. More than 900 million Indian are eligible to vote.

Modi played the old hate card against Pakistan to win the favor of Indians. Pulwama on February 14 that killed 40 Indian soldiers was used as a false flag to put Pakistan on blame.

Overall voter turnout was 66% in the last six phases. In the last seventh phase, Voter turnout was recorded 53.03 % till 5 pm. Remaining countdown as per ANI is

Bihar-46.75%, Himachal Pradesh- 57.43%, Madhya Pradesh-59.75%, Punjab-50.49%, Uttar Pradesh-47.21%, West Bengal- 64.87%, Jharkhand-66.64%, Chandigarh-51.18%

The Indian National Congress and other oppositions parties are dragging BJP over 6.1% unemployment rate, Economically damaging Demonetization Policy, One nation, one tax policy and damaging India’s reputation through war wagging attitude.