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Choosing a SEO Company in Houston – Are Reviews Important?

After the initial round of gathering a list of possible SEO agencies in Houston, your next step revolves around exploring them. There is no denying that Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for your business to thrive online. It boosts your business website’s ranking, makes it more visible, and drives increased organic traffic your way.

In fact, 93% of the all the online traffic comes from search engines. This means that there is no other way around optimizing your business page for pleasing the browsers. The question, however, is that how can you narrow down your options until you can pinpoint the ideal SEO company in Houston to work with?

While several factors go into finding and hunting down the best candidate, you don’t have to be at sixes and sevens. An important factor that can solve most of your concerns is an online review. Reviews can substantially navigate your decision-making when it comes to working with a business.

Here’s a look at some pointers that set the importance of reading reviews and their level of authenticity:

  1. Reviews give a clear picture of the business

Reviews give an insight into a business. This applies to any Houston SEO Company too. Online reviews are a testament to customer experience, and every customer gives his opinion, whether negative or positive.

So, you can get a fair idea of how good a business’s services are by going through its reviews. Approximately, 88% of us trust online reviews. In fact, we trust them as much as a friend’s recommendation. So, you’re not alone if you’re judging a business by its reviews.

  1. Reviews can reveal a company’s negative aspects

There’s no stopping a disappointed customer. An unsatisfied customer turns into a Hulk and doesn’t switch back to being himself until he vents out. Luckily, the internet has given unhappy customers a place to talk about their feelings and warn others.

Unsatisfied customers are more than 2-3 times likely to write a negative review than customers who have a happy experience. Moreover, happy customers share the news of great experience with nine friends only. However, unsatisfied customers tell sixteen others about their poor experience.

This means that you are more likely to encounter a negative review if a business does not deliver excellent results.

  1. The statistics support online reviews

Research agrees with the significance of going through online reviews before working with a business. About 92% of the folks read online reviews. Furthermore, a large majority of people trust reviews almost as much as word of mouth.

On top of that 63% of us are in favor of buying from a venture that boasts positive reviews. Not only are written reviews critical, but starred ratings are also important. 94% of the people avail a service only after they see four stars in rating. At the same time, nearly 57% and 14% of us buy from a business when it showcases three and one or two stars rating, respectively.

The authenticity of a review

The odds of reading positive reviews are high if you read reviews from the SEO business’s official website. After all, nobody exhibits negative reviews. Does that mean you should not rely on such reviews or suspect the company’s intention by pointing at such reviews as fake?

By now you know that there is no point in working with a business if there are no online reviews for it. No reviews equate with red flags. In other words, you don’t do business with a service that nobody trusts enough to give a review.

That said, dig into the reviews on varying online platforms instead of just the official webpage of the business. There are several review platforms on the web such as Yelp. Plus, you can read online reviews on social media as well. All of these platforms are authentic sources of reviews.

No business has control over what people are saying about it on these platforms. Hence, there are minimal chances of coming across fabricated or unauthentic reviews on such sites. Now, suppose if you’ve shortlisted the best SEO agencies to work with but you note a negative review, then you don’t have to be appalled.

Track the review’s path and dig out the responsible company’s reaction. If the company offers excellent SEO services, it will make up for any mishap or accidental mistake. This shows that it values its clients. In fact, 78% of people think that a company cares for them if they respond well to online reviews.

A case in point is the Stamford Plaza in Brisbane. The hotel got a negative review on TripAdvisor. It said that the rooms it provided were noisy and the staff was not polite. The manager, Philippe, gave a thoughtful response to the review and apologized too. He also outlined that the hotel was working on correcting the concerns.

Take home message

An article in Huffington Post Australia claims that “reviews are becoming the digital version of word-of-mouth”. Thus, it is only wise to get an inside scoop of an SEO company in Houston via online reviews. Besides, these reviews can always warn you if the services are not worth the investment you are going to make.