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Here’s Why You Need Snapchat To Boost Your Clothing Sales

Here’s Why You Need Snapchat To Boost Your Clothing Sales

Snapchat may sound like uncharted territory to the uninitiated; especially to those who have made a recent shift from traditional ad mediums to social media.

But whether you have been using the app since its launch or have just started to focus on a Snapchat strategy, you are headed in the right direction.

Snapchat’s user demographics are mostly teenagers. 39 percent teens value Snapchat the most of all social mediums. If your brand caters to or wants to target a young audience, a Snapchat marketing strategy is a must.

Here is why you need Snapchat to boost the sales of your clothing store:

Snapchat ads offer an immersive ad experience unlike any other:

We hate ads that disrupt our streams and force us to pay attention. Unfortunately, that is what’s widely available. But not Snapchat. Snapchat ads are exciting and very different from traditional adverts. They are like a breath of fresh air, mostly because they provide a highly immersive experience to users.

Consider the value of Snap ads for your business; over 166 million users sign into their Snapchat every day, and spend more than 30 minutes using the app. You can get more clicks, subscribers, and buyers into your funnel if you are are utilizing this powerful new platform.

Users are twice as likely to make a buying decision after watching Snap ads, compared to ads placed on other social mediums. It means you have 2X chances of enjoying a lift in a user’s purchase intent if you market via Snapchat.

Snapchat has also unlocked a unique way of sharing links at the bottom of a snap. Users only have to swipe up to be taken directly to a webpage.

The best thing about the immersive experience of Snap ads is that users like to watch their ads with audio on, compared to other platforms where most people reach for the mute button. 85 percent of Facebook video ads are seen without sound on!

It can create higher brand awareness:

Placing ads on Snapchat is good for brand awareness. You can experiment with the different ad choices provided by the platform or use all of the options in one campaign. There are snap caps, lenses, filters and ads that you can apply to each of your campaigns.

Michael Kors partnered with Snapchat to market its new product – a Michael Kors Access smartwatch. The ad featured a high-end smartwatch packed with powerful tech features for a stylish collector.

Snapchatters were in luck because they were given an exclusive insight into the cool new smartwatch that included Google technology.

Michael Kors used the Snap lens to showcase its product’s features and raise awareness about it. The lens immersed users into different scenarios that changed as a person used the smartwatch.

This interactive new ad increased Michael Kors smartwatch’s awareness by 29 points and ad awareness by 21 points.


Since many marketers aren’t yet focusing on Snapchat, you can take the cake by introducing sneak peeks of your clothing lines  that are not showcased anywhere else! If you are launching a new collection or want to hint at a sale schedule, just make a 6-10 second video and upload it for your Snapchat fans!

You have the opportunity to build your audience’s  interest by giving them something that is only available to them exclusively.  Get them hyped up with exclusive offers, sneak peeks, sales and discounts.

Here’s how Forever21 tells their fans to get a behind the scenes look at their merchandise.

Retails brands like Forever 21, ASOS and Leather Skin Shop regularly use other social media platforms to invite users to their Snap accounts. Make full use of exclusive content. It sells more, compared to content that is distributed equally on all social media profiles.

Get more clicks:

Snapchat is the right medium to place calls–to-action that don’t annoy your target audience. It is reported that 67 percent of college students like to click on Snap ads to avail better discounts on brands and get their hands on limited promo codes.

If you are creative with your calls to action, know your target audience and can develop the right campaigns, you can get a high number of clicks for your desired product/s.

You can encourage your users to visit a website, follow a social media platform or subscribe to your YouTube channel through a snap ad. The key is to incentivize their engagement.

When you make Snapchat a bigger part of your marketing game, you get loyal users who remain ardent followers of your snapchat stories.

It is never a bad idea to start being regular with Snapchat stories because 54.8 percent of your followers will click on your story for sure.

Video product descriptions

Clothing retailers need to do better than simply sell pitches. Customers today are more informed than ever before. They do their research well and often.

If you want people to buy your clothes, give them creative ideas to use your pieces in an outfit. Based on the preference of your target audience, you could create short videos on how to style a clothing item perfectly for a season.

It could become a major selling point and one that sets you apart from your competitors. Instead of writing boring product descriptions that no one wants to read, make short and crisp product videos that are more effective at relaying your point.

These videos can show how a clothing item from your store can come in handy at a wedding, on vacation, on a work day and so on.

People like to follow brands that keep it real and project a relatable image on social media. Snapchat will help you make stories that don’t require much editing or heavy investments in production because a mobile camera is all you’ll ever need!

When you offer snapchat-exclusive discounts, product videos, brand awareness and calls to action in your Snapchat strategy, you invite a highly mobilized audience to engage with your brand.

What are you waiting for? Start a Snapchat account today.