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How to Properly Use Computers in Classrooms?

Many teachers and students prefer to use computers in the classrooms and they are often seen as proper educational tools. They can be used to promote learning and enhance the core curriculum. However, because the immense versatility of computers, it is easy to abuse and misuse them. It is important to consider whether computers can really be effective for the learning process. We should be able to install many kinds of programs into the computer, so we will get so much functionality from it. Computers are highly educational, but they can also be immensely entertaining and distracting. It is important that computers are not used as time fillers, because they will be habitually used to provide entertainment to students.

Any software that we use in the classroom computers should have immense educational values. One big mistake is to allow any program that is devoid of any educational content. Another problem is that more gullible teachers could be fooled into choosing entertainment games that are disguised as educational platform. A true educational software is based on existing core curriculum and it is intended to aid the educational process. The school board should review the content of the software to make sure that it is really useful for students. Wrong type of software won’t benefit students. Children may use the software only for its entertainment value and the rate of information absorption will be too slow.

It means that although all the bells and whistles are there, the actually education process is not. It could happen because the so-called educational software wasn’t created by people who understand how students learn. There should be a careful assessment on the type of software that can be used inside the classroom. It is even better if the school board strictly determines programs that can be installed in classroom computers. A bi-weekly inspection schedule can be maintained to check these computers and any unauthorized software will be removed immediately.  If not directed properly computers could negatively affect the work habits, motivation, concentration and personal skills of students. There could also be implications on the social skills of these students.

It is generally not a good idea to provide one computer for each student in the classroom. With only one or a few computers in the classroom, students can obtain necessary information for the learning process. These computers can also be used by learning groups in the classroom as they are working on specific projects that are assigned by teachers. If there are a few computers in the classrooms, they should be used to integrate students, instead of dividing their attention. Students may collaborate with these computers as they are focusing on a single project. With proper usages of computers, difficulties related to teaching process can be eliminated and teachers will find it easier to transfer information to students. The availability of computer in the classroom should encourage students to use the device properly wherever they are. They will have a good habit of using computers only for educational purposes.