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How To Survive A Sudden Drop In PageRank Value?

How To Survive A Sudden Drop In PageRank Value?

It is a common fact that Google implements a rank system, although it is not fully confirmed by Google. The PageRank system has values between PR0 and PR10. Higher PageRank value means that your website is more reputable and consequently, it has more traffic than websites with lower PageRank. High PageRank also means that your website rank well for specific keywords. So when people type keywords on the search engine, it is more likely for them to find your website, resulting in better traffic. It is important for you to look for ways to have higher PageRank and achieving that can mean having a lucrative online presence. In fact, it is perfectly possible for your website to produce hourly profit if your traffic is high and targeted enough.

There’s no argument that Google is the strongest player in the search engine industry and it contributes for much of your traffic. So, it is important that your SEO campaign is more focused on what Google thinks about your website and your overall online presence. You need to gradually increase your PageRank, so you will slowly gain better rank in search results. However, there are situations where website suddenly has a big drop in PageRank value. This can really be devastating for your online presence, especially if you are struggling to gain traffic. This could happen when Google makes a major update to its algorithm, rendering factors that were significant to your PageRank value less important.  The effect can be permanent or temporary, depending on the nature of your website.

Regardless of the reason, you should make sure that you are well protected against this situation. First of all, you should better diversify the source of your traffic. If you already have good traffic source from Google, it is a good idea to cultivate other sources.  You need to be able to interact in social media, forums or other search engines. You should make sure that you get quality information and this could induce effective word of mouth interactions with others. If you want to survive the sudden drop in traffic, you should focus in content and content is always king. It means that content needs to reign supreme on your website and when people visit your website for the first time, they should notice that immediately.

Another way to prevent traffic problems due to the sudden drop of PageRank value is by ensuring that you have the right domain name. It is important to ensure that your website is short and memorable. So, when people visit your website for the first time, they will remember it easily and they will type the URL in the address bar. You should try to go viral with your content, even if you already have good traffic from Google. You can use your well-prepared posts, reports, images, videos and others to ensure that they can go viral. In order to lessen the impact of algorithm updates, you should be mindful about the source of your backlinks. If your backlinks come from bad neighbourhoods, it can be guaranteed that your PageRank value will eventually drop.