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4 Critical Keys To A Successful Product Launch

You may be looking at your product launch date as a focused time period, but the reality is that a product launch can extend for a much longer period of time than many business owners initially consider or plan for. Remember that a poor product launch could negatively impact your company’s relationship with your customers, your return on investment and your sales figures.

On the flip side, a successful launch could improve your customer’s relationship with your customers and have a positive effect on your business’s financial strength. If you want to enjoy the best possible results from your launch, you need to understand that a new product launch is different than managing an existing product in your lineup. When you focus your attention on these critical keys, you will set the stage for a more successful launch.

Customers’ Needs

Before you launch a new product, you need to have a clear definition of who the target audience is, what they want or need and how your product may appeal to them in different ways. Focus your attention on current customers who may be loyal to your company as well as potential new customers. Some businesses fail to research their target audience thoroughly, and this can be a detriment to the success of new product launch.

Before you spend time and money launching a product, you need to ensure that you are offering something that people want or need. If not, you likely will find that your launch results in lackluster sales numbers. Remember to take the extra initiative to identify the unique segments of your target audience that may benefit most substantially from your new product.

It All Begins with Great Timing

Many business owners rush to launch a new product. For example, you may want to beat the competition to the market, or you may feel the financial need to start profiting from your latest innovation. However, the most successful launches are well timed based on the company’s needs as well as the likelihood that consumers will notice and react well to the launch.

You can choose a projected launch date initially, but before you finalize it, ensure that each of your teams that are working on the project will have ample time to complete their necessary work. You may also want to look at a calendar to time a launch around a holiday, a trade show or another event that can help you to generate a great buzz during the launch.

Testing Makes Perfect

As is the case with many things in life, your new product will have one chance to make a great first impression on your customers. If it falters or fails in some way during the launch, your target audience may not be interested in revisions in the future. You need to ensure that you have the best version of your product when you launch it, so always test it thoroughly. More than that test your marketing message to ensure that your target audience will be receptive to it.

A smart idea is to use a focus group or a survey to learn more about your marketing message and your products. Focus your attention on what customers love about the product as well as what they find annoying or not valuable in some way. Take time to tweak your product and your marketing message thoroughly before launching it. Remember that you will need a prototype so that you can test and tweak your product multiple times before you get it right.

Your focus group or survey group will provide you with incredible insight that can serve as a guideline for design improvement going forward. In some cases, these groups may also provide you with good insight regarding how to formulate the most effective marketing message that addresses their unique needs or wants.

Everyone Needs to Be on The Same Page

Launching a product is not something to rush through. Your entire support and sales team needs to be fully educated about the product as well as its pricing, features, benefits and more. Remember that they will need to answer questions and even offer support to customers directly.

All customer-facing employees should be properly trained well before the launch, and they should be able to answer basic product questions or demonstrate how to use it properly. When you provide training to your team well ahead of the product launch date, you give your team ample time to get comfortable with the material, to develop sales approaches and more. Some may even be able to tease your product to consumers to create a buzz or to help you test the product so that it is most beneficial to your target audience.


Launching a product requires apt attention and focus as well as a thoughtful plan. It also requires considerable flexibility and the ability to receive constructive criticism positively. When you focus your attention on these helpful tips, you can more easily plan for a successful product launch.