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Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

For a company like Online Reputation Management, business ethics is important since this involves the standards of conduct and moral values regarding right and wrong actions in the business environment. The business ethics in any organization is often shaped by the organizations ethical climate along with their social responsibility and they need to find a balance between what is right and what is profitable. Nowadays, the vast majority of businesses are ethical, new corporate officers are charged with deterring wrongdoing and ensuring proper ethical standards in a work environment and there are high-profile investigations and arrests in headlines due to non-ethical business practices. A firm can behave ethically depending on the ethical values of the firm’s executives and their employees and a climate within the organization that promotes proper ethical conduct.

A business can have different social responsibilities to the general public, to customers, to employees and to investors and the financial community. When it comes to responsibilities for the general public these include public health issues such as what to do about dangerous products like tobacco, steroids, alcohol and vaccines. You need to also be willing to protect the environment using resources such green marketing and sustainability practices. Develop the quality of the workforce by being able to enhance quality of the overall workforce through education and diversity initiatives.

There is also corporate philanthropy such as cash contributions, donations of products or equipment, and supporting the volunteer efforts of company employees. The responsibilities that they have towards customers include following consumer rights by allowing them to have the right to be heard, right to be safe in your physical location and with products you sell to them, they have the right to be informed about products and services and they should have the right to choose the products they want or the type of service they want to engage in.