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All You Need To Know About The Types Of Compensation You Can Claim For A Workplace Accident

Whilst we do everything we can to make sure that we are safe wherever we are – whether we are at work or at home – accidents may still occur. This is especially frustrating if the accident occurs, however, through no fault of our own. If you are at work and have had an accident, then you should know very well that you can be eligible for filing for compensation.

Filing a claim for compensation for a workplace accident: what compensation can you receive?

When you claim compensation for an accident at work, there are actually different types of compensation you can expect to receive. These are categorised into four: special damages, general damages, interest, and legal expenses or costs.

Special damage compensation

When it comes to this type of compensation, it all boils down to the expenses you have had because of your accident. Special damage compensation can include your loss of income if you are unable to go to work due to an injury; travel costs or expenses (such as having to go to hospital and the like); medical costs or expenses; nursing expenses if you have had to rely on a nurse to aid in your recovery; expenses for care (this is if you have friends or family members providing you with nursing and care during your period of recovery); and even loss of holiday, if you have been unable to go on a planned holiday due to the accident and injury. There is also a special addendum for the loss of holiday compensation – if, for example, you have still been able to go on your holiday but have not been able to maximise it or enjoy it to the full, then you can claim compensation for ‘loss of enjoyment’.

General damage compensation and interest

As compensation claim specialists like will confirm, general damages include pain and suffering due to the injury and future financial loss, for instance. When it comes to future financial loss, it’s like this: if you are still suffering from your injury even when the claim is finished, you may still incur financial losses or expenses in the future. This can still include loss of income as well as medical bills and expenses in the future.

You can also claim compensation for interest (for both special and general damages) if it takes your employer too long to compensate you.

Legal expenses

In the UK, compensation experts like agree, there is a specific rule when it comes to legal expenses: the loser will pay the legal expenses of the winner. In order, however, for you to receive compensation for legal expenses, your solicitor must be willing to accept the compensation on your behalf, subject to the settling of legal expenses by your employer.