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Pay With Face Technology-A Future Technology

Alibaba’s Jack Ma shows how you’ll be able to buy things simply by taking a selfie. In the year 1999 alibaba started out , he is the founder of jack ma who made his staffs work longer then they normal schedules, so they out innovate the contestant mainly with the silicon valley officials.

After Alibaba started out in 1999, its founder Jack Ma pushed his employees to endeavour for work longer hours so they could out-innovate competitors, especially the ones in Silicon Valley.

On last Sunday night one of such innovation of new task was stated when Ma presented over there , he also said that he worked extra hours for it, the same is about the mobile payments to be made through facial recognition technology .

The Re/code states the new project on which alibaba is working as ‘Smile to pay’ which enables to make phone payments by easy scanning of their face , main thing is that, it will work in the exact way , as the payments of Apple is made with prints of finger , now mobile payments can be approved by the users with just one touch on home button the desire to change prints of the finger to the face of the users is only in alibaba.

One of the headache cause in today’s world is to buy products from online and make online payment for it, Ma spoke on Sunday at the conference of CeBIT in Germany, password is forgotten by peoples they also needs to worry about the system of security , a new technology will be shown to you today about how people will be buying things from online in the coming days .

The new product was demonstrated by Ma, although currently it’s in check mode, a smart phone was taken out by him through alibaba the program was found out and simply Ma touched the buy button soon it presented a screen with facial recognition and in the same manner, the purchase of ma was done. The follow up question was not taken by Ma for the recent payment trend the official release date of the product is not finalised yet with the discovery of new system the founder is quite serious , while few of the reporter said that china is the first country where release of smile to pay will be done.

At least something for sure is it’s a nice thing to have then to remember too many of the passwords, the recent mobile payment service is also known as Alipay.

Ant financial unit is the developer of the Technology News, Alipay is also operated by the same , last year in the new york through alibaba Alipay was span out and Ma has symbolised about it that a different listing will be made by him for it. In a day over 80 million transactions is handled by Alipay which has regular 300 million registered users on the list.