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The Potential Of A Good Infographic

In the SEO industry, infographics are now seen as a huge part of building your search engine rankings and authority of your website/blog. Link building is required as one of the best methods to build authority and gain traffic to your website. There are various methods of link building for those who did not know, such as videos, citations, directories, guest blogging and my all time favorite infographics.

What is an infographic? 

An infographic is data pushed out visually, so somebody could take a load of numbers and graphs and turn them into a visual piece of work, which is fun to look at, and still portrays the same information across. Most infographics will be data driven; they will include a huge bunch of facts and figures but to a visual perspective. Where as visually driven infographics will not include as much information but will be more visual, using more vectors and images over the amount of data. Some visually driven infographics tell a story in images.

Like I mentioned before, using infographics for building links is one of my all time favorite methods especially over guest posts, the reason behind this is, when getting research for infographics it can take a team of people rather than an individual like it would with guest posts. Again when writing a guest post it would only take one person to write and input his thoughts. Where as an infographic you could do in a team, you can do the research in a team, design and build the infographic in a team and also reach out to publish the infographic in a team. So it is a team effort to create, which gives more ideas and more input from different peoples perspectives.

The other main reason why I like infographics is because they are brilliant to gain links. I have at least 10 directories where I can submit infographics to and gain 10 links, also you can keep submitting the same infographic to a number of different sites because it is not classed as plagiarism where as if a guest post has been published on a website then it can not be used again and only gain one link. The positive of an infographic is the number of potential links to gain and the negative is the time taken to research and create. The positive with guest posts is they do not take as long to write but the negative is you can only gain one link off it before it is classed as plagiarism.

Where to Find Infographics

There are many websites out there that publish infographics for you to view, the internet is full of great infographics and also places to create your own infographics, some of the best ones can be found over at infographic updates.

My favorite infographics are the ones with famous people, and quotes and facts about that persons life, they are brilliant and portray some great facts, you can see some of these types of infographics over at investor academy, check out the one of Warren Buffet, this is by far one of my favorite infographics to date.

Paul Gray is an experienced digital consultant and author, he has worked in the SEO industry for many years and is now trying to build up his latest blogs, his infographic sites are his main focus and he likes to write to encourage people down the infographic route in link building.