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A Beginners Guide To E Mail Marketing

It is all well and good knowing that email marketing can work for you but knowing what you should be doing to implement this can be tough. However don’t let that put you off because everyone has to start somewhere. The good thing with internet marketing methods like this is that there are hundreds of articles and resources online that you can read up on – so doing your research should not be too touch!

However to get you started, here is a little guide to email marketing and what you should be doing to make the most out of it.

What Is Email Marketing

As the name might suggest, this is all about marketing via email. Generally speaking it is a way for you to make contact with existing customers but you can use it to email new ones too, if they have authorised for you to email them. The type of content that can be sent via these emails does vary but generally it is along the lines of self promotion, making customers aware of sale items, new products etc.

Collecting Email Addresses

Rather than just assume you can go about emailing anyone whose email address you happen to stumble upon, you really should make more of an effort to collect legitimate email addresses from people who are interested in your products.  This can be via a an opt in (or opt out) script on your site when people buy from you. You can also have the option to sign up to your news updates on your website and people who are interested in your brand and your products will usually sign up.

Why Undertake Email Marketing?

When you look at internet marketing methods you’ll come across a number of methods which people insist are the best. What you need to do is look into all of the options that are open to you and work out which is the best for you and your needs.

The great thing about email marketing is that in general it works across the board for companies in all sorts of industries. Of course you’ll need to word emails correctly for your target audience, but email marketing as a whole can be used for all sorts of marketing and promotion needs.

Email marketing allows you to contact a bulk number of people at a time which also makes it a really cost effective way to market your business. Generally when you are marketing you have to pay more for reaching more people, but email marketing doesn’t work in that way.  Unlike some methods of marketing this is something that is instant – especially with today’s trend of using the likes of smart phone to collect emails and read them as soon as they are received.

The contact and communication will also be really appreciated  by your customers which is another bonus. You can invite people to send in their feedback as well which is not only good for your business but your customers will love the fact that you are listening to them

How Email Marketing Works

You can use email marketing software to collect email addresses and then send out the emails. Some of these platforms will also help with auto responding to emails if this is something that you need too! You often get built in templates with this type of software which is perfect when it comes to designing emails and making sure that the email you are sending is going to capture their attention for all of the right reasons.

The Costs Involve

The costs involved in email marketing do vary depending on the software that you use and the charges that the company implement. However when you compare it to how many emails you can send at a time and how many customers you are reaching it is easy to see that this is a cost effective way to market your business. Just make sure that you monitor click through and feedback so you know that the email marketing methods you are carrying out are working as well for you as they should be.

My name is Tara and have interests in technology, health & fitness and parenting. I enjoy writing and can be found on most evenings sitting at my computer blogging and meeting new people.