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The Business Benefits Of Creating A Mobile Strategy

Mobile technology has drastically shifted the way the business world works. Mobile communication is the largest form of communication with more than 50 percent of all Internet access done over a smartphone or tablet. Likewise, many businesses have found that their sales and popularity have grown exponentially with online marketing tools.

For businesses looking to expand their markets over the mobile web, here are specific strategies to follow to increase your organic growth both further and faster:

1. Mobile Websites

Whether it is a mobile website or a desktop site, the majority customer base is looking for a site that is intuitive, easy to navigate, and quick to load. Often times companies neglect creating a mobile website, for they assume the attention to detail is not worth the time and energy. However, customers who are on the go will be quick to abandon a website if they cannot find the information they need.

For companies that offer outsourcing services, such as BioTrackTHC, purchasable products, or content information, many potential customers or viewers will be typically on the go. By ignoring the demand for a mobile website, businesses will be losing valuable profit and growth potential.

2. Apps

Apps are one of the fastest growing industries, for they provide the customer with an accesible method to get what they need done almost instantly. Need to cash a check? Use your bank’s app. Need to find a recipe for tomorrow’s party? There are multiple apps for that. From food delicery to name brand companies to educational activities, many companies are using mobile apps to boost brand awareness.

One of the most important aspects to creating a profitable app is solving a problem that is valuable to your customer base. The most successful apps are the ones that provide a service that makes life easier for the customer.

3. Monetize Mobile Apps

When it comes to monetizing your app, consider creating a free sample version. Customers can try out the light version of the app and determine whether or not they are willing to invest money into your content

If you decide to keep the app free, look to provide paid add-ons such as extra lives or higher levels, and use advertisements to generate more profits.

For businesses looking to have an app promoting their business, keeping it free is the wisest choice, for research has shown that online mobile shoppers end up spending more money than those purchasing from a desktop.

4. Mobile Coupons

Most companies deliver coupons via email in an effort to bring customers into their store, and now, many are accepting coupons directly from a smartphone. For people who otherwise would never carry physical coupons in their pocket and consequently skip shopping at that store, allowing users to pull up a coupon directly on the one thing that’s attached to their hip is a big way to increase profits.

For smaller businesses looking to promote their name, ask customers to check-in at the store via social media as part of the coupon special.