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How To Effectively Market Your Blog With Pinterest

All around the world, there are millions of people who own their respective blog and wish to promote it through the most possible and effective way. However, even though there are so many social media websites available in the online realm, still they are unable to promote their blog as strongly as they can! Maybe because they are not much aware about choosing the right social media network in order to market their blog. Usually, whenever it comes to promoting a business, blog, product or a service, majority of people plan for Facebook, Twitter Or Google+ community or fan pages as they are the most potential source to drive traffic; however, there is one more reasonably known social network that has quietly made its position among the list top social networks, and it is ‘Pinterest’.

Since 2012, Pinterest started pulling a great deal of traffic than the rest of the other social sites like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+. By the end of 2013, Pinterest had beaten Twitter for producing a large amount of blog traffic. Pinterest has proved itself as a potent marketing medium for bloggers. Now, it’s about how effectively one can use Pinterest to promote his or her own blog.

Here, we are sharing some of the tips, which will help you to make the best use of Pinterest!

Pin your Blog Images:

Putting Pinterest widgets and buttons to the blog can certainly show some positive results in your blog promotion strategy. Adding Pinterest buttons and widgets can help visitors to like and share your blog post easily on their Pinterest account. If you wish your blog visitors should use the sharing button most frequently then post interesting and attracting images on your blog, which they will like to share. Also, whenever somebody will click on your Pinterest image, they will directly land on your blog post page. Do not forget to add ‘Pin it’ button to your blog because not all of your blog visitors will have ‘Pin it’ bookmark button installed in their browser.

Embed Blog URL:

Do not leave your Pinterest account with incomplete profile details. Embed your blog URL in your Pinterest account; this will give access of your blog to your pinners.  The blog URL will be placed right above the Pinterest boards, so it will be easy for viewers to find your blog URL. Likewise, add your Pinterest URL in your blog profile.

Build Interactions with Pinners:

Don’t roam around your own blog. Come out of it, explore other’s blogs, like, share, and repin their images. This activity will help you to get some shares in return. Creating an interesting pinboards can also be a great way to interact with the audience.

Plan Before You Pin:

Be a bit choosy and pin the most ideal images to your blog so that you will receive the good amount of traffic to your blog. Just for example, if you are running a food blog, pin a yummy pizza image that food lovers would like to click and reach out for the recipe. Therefore, don’t just pin random images of flowers or kitchen to promote a food blog, it would be just a waste of time and effort. That’s why, plan before you pin.

Easily Searchable Pins:

Being a blog owner, you must be eager to see your blog in Google search results, right? Pinterest uses keywords and hashtags to help pinners to find the desired content easily. It is a fabulous trick to use keywords on Pinterest, which work as a hashtag on your blog. This will help search result users to reach out to your blog and so, there will be an increase in the blog traffic.

Create Boards and Set your Style:

Every blog holds its own style. You can build a bold style of your blog by using classy, humorous, and beautiful images. With Pinterest, you can create a board of these images. The customized Pinterest board cover will show off your blog style and helps to setup a brand identity.