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5 Tips To Attract Viewer To Your YouTube Channel

I know it’s hard to get viewers to your YouTube channel, maybe 1 or 2 videos gets top viewers out of 100 videos. What are the mistakes you’re doing in uploading videos and not have regular viewers to your channel? So here are 5 tips which helps you get more viewers also increase your subscribers.

Making Videos

People in these days make videos on their computer like Game tutorials, Study tutorials, Top 10, Music albums and so on. Instead of making already existing videos on YouTube go to latest and popular news, songs depending upon viewers’ needs. Entertain your subscribers with the latest videos and news; be friendly with new Viewers to subscribe your videos. The subscribers of your channel are the regular viewers of your every new video.

Tagging your Video

Whenever you upload a new video it ask for Title, name, Tags, and Description, first understand what is your video about and give it a title suitable to it as per Viewers need. The important thing comes when you give tags to your videos, search for good keywords related to your Video. Do you know the Description of your video also works as a keyword in YouTube so make sure you give an attractive keyword to your video!

Make your Channel

Even if your videos are good, make sure you deign your channel more colorful, when people comes In search of your channel, attract them to subscribe your channel. Have a great and unique background image, attractive logo or good looking profile picture.

Make other Videos Popular

 If you have hundreds of videos in your YouTube channel of your own and having only 5-10 videos popular within it, so there is a chance to make your other videos popular. Using Annotations you can make your other videos popular with your already popular videos.

Don’t make mess mixing all of your videos links on the popular video using Annotations, make it in decent way you have time duration, attract viewer as per the situation and grab their attention.


It is already said that be friendly with your subscribers and newcomers, if they ask and doubt regarding your video don’t hesitate to reply them with good answers, you can also ask suggestion to make new videos from your subscribers to make your videos more popular and attract newcomers anyway.

If any of them report that your content has mistakes in it make you efforts in removing it or editing the video.  Rude behaving with your subscribers results you in loss of them.