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Who can take care of your SEO and digital marketing in Hong Kong?

There is more to SEO than keywords but even more notably, SEO methods have drastically changed over the years because of search engine algorithms and systems becoming more sophisticated.  In just 2012 many companies saw red as their search rankings declined.  This was caused by Google’s ‘Panda’ and ‘Penguin’ updates, especially with the latest Panda update from late January.  In essence, these cracked down on websites with thin content, ones that were using backhanded strategies to optimise their keyword densities and back links and, having too many ads. 

If you have been following a good SEO strategy then you won’t have suffered much with the latest updates but, if you did suffer, it is time to change your SEO strategy all together.

In order to stay competitive in today’s digital market, one has to be savvy with integrating SEO into their internet marketing strategies so, what principles can we adopt for 2013?

To start with, the basics still count such as keywords, meta tags, links etc.  But the focus should now be more user experience led. What does this mean?  Any website should provide what it promises so content should be informative, relevant and refreshed frequently.  I think I can hear some dollars dropping as the realisation dawns as to why so many websites now have a blog…

In line with blogging, making the most of social media and so on, as an author, one should have a good online presence.  In fact, ‘AuthorRank’ has been determined as an influential metric when it comes to SEO and internet marketing.  You can raise your profile through things like, signing up as an author with a Google+ account.

Another aspect of internet marketing that is worth paying attention to is content marketing.  In fact, it is something that many deem as the new SEO.  Let’s take a look.  Traditional link building methods are becoming ineffective due to things like the penguin updates in what some might call, an ethical bid from Google to enforce content to be as unique and natural as possible.  This doesn’t mean that links are no longer important to an SEO strategy, quite the opposite in fact.  It just means that the focus needs to remain on integrating it with valuable content as great content, generates links.

The whole purpose of SEO is to have a great web presence in order to attract customers so, although ensuring that your content is compatible with mobile technology like smartphones, it is a large contributing factor to your success.  With so many people using their phones and tablets for their online needs, this should most certainly be something that informs your strategy.

So how can you be assured that your SEO needs will be not only met now but, avoid becoming obsolete as Google continue to release updates?  Companies like Boss Digital are worthwhile looking into.  Boss Digital are experts in SEO Hong Kong as, they are a fully serviced digital marketing agency.  Their certified experts have over a decade experience in delivering SEO through advanced website optimisation campaigns in a way that generate achieving outstanding ranking results in the most competitive online industries.This means that their experience in aiding SEO Hong Kong strategies has enabled them to build an impressive portfolio of over 100 websites that they have designed, developed and marketed.

 Author Bio :-

Sumantha Dutta – an experienced writer, IT professional and blogger. A freelance writer for over four years with a variety of articles published on the internet.