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The Future of Mobile Marketing

When you search out the latest marketing trend, the word that keeps coming up is mobile. The mobile market is beginning to dominate many different predictions. It’s becoming inevitable that you’ll need a plan that caters to mobile and smartphone users. Mobile phone penetration continues to rise, so you need to get on board with this form of advertising before you’re left behind your competition.

Smartphone Utilization in Shopping

Consumers have their phones on them at all times, so marketing efforts pushed through their phones are seen during essential moments. If your customer is looking for one of your stores and starts comparison shopping through their phone, this is one of the best times to catch their eyes with specials or advertising. If you can promote your brand through an application that’s useful to the customer, you’ll get yourself in front of their eyes on a consistent basis.

Effectiveness of Mobile Advertising

A recent study researched by On Device Research revealed some interesting information on the way people use their phones for the shopping experience. Instead of rejecting or ignoring ads, as they might with advertising on webpages, consumers responded positively to mobile ads. Seventy-one percent of the people participating in this study had something good to say about the ads.

Instead of figuring out ways to avoid ads or aggressively block them, as many computer browsers do, mobile phone users took the information provided by the ads as a way to learn more about products, use the information for purchase or check out locations for the item directly on their phone.

Twenty-eight percent of the mobile users in the study reached for their phones to find product information that they saw in a mobile ad. If the products were easy to buy directly from the phone, many of these users took advantage. A key factor in the effectiveness of this marketing technique lies in the fact that the phone owners perceived that they gave explicit permission for this type of advertising to be directly delivered to them.

Taking Advantage

If you don’t already have a mobile optimized website, this would be the perfect place to start. You don’t need to have any fancy designs or drive your Web designers crazy trying to figure out a way to make the mobile optimized version stand out. Just provide an effective route to the information that your customers are looking for. Mobile advertising is highly effective, providing a great return on investment compared to other forms of advertising. The smart phone market continues to grow, and similar marketing efforts can be used for other mobile products such as tablets. When you take advantage of the latest technology trends, you’ll find that you’ll reap the rewards.