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Becoming a Freelance Computer Tech

There are many career paths that allow you to venture out on your own and become your own boss. Web designers, lawn care techs, and even caterers have discovered ways of becoming their own boss and working for themselves. In the computer field many are turning to freelance tech work to make extra income or start their own company. If you know how to repair software and hardware problems and are interested in working for yourself, here are a few tips on how to turn you day job into a business of your own.


Gather Supplies:

A tech is only as good as the tools he uses. If you are planning on becoming a freelance computer repair tech, you need the right tools for the job. With many companies offering home computer repair, your competition will always be prepared and so should you. A laptop, mobile internet, virus software, and a computer tool set are just a few things you will need. There are many resources online that offer reviews on the best tools for computer repair techs.


Create Your Brand:

If you see a black and white Volkswagon Beetle driving down the street, you will probably recognize it as the Geek Squad. This is because they have created a strong brand that people recognize. If you are starting your own computer repair business, you too will need to create a brand that other people will recognize. Create your logo, your look, your slogan and begin creating an identity for yourself in the repair field.



Your brand is useless unless you can get your name out there for people to see. There are many ways a new business can advertise for little or no cost. The most popular is online advertising through free classifieds such as or These two sites offer a large following for those who need customers. Another low cost way to advertise is by distributing business cards and fliers. is a widely used source for printing cards and fliers. They are cheap and deliver your printing in a timely manner.


Create Credibility:

Even with all of the advertising you can do online, the best advertising is still word of mouth. By finishing your jobs on time and correctly, you can create credibility that will make your customers refer you to their family and friends. You will get most of your jobs this way. If you get a call, arrive on time, be professional, and complete the work you promised to complete. If you take an extra step and go above and beyond, you will find the payout to be worth the effort.


There are a lot of computer repair techs in the world and it is a competitive field. With the right advertising, attitude and ethics, you can create a successful business and good living repairing computers. Take the time to plan your attack on your competition by working harder and smarter than they do.


David Haynes is an IT professional who utilized Redrock IT Jobs when searching for employment.