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Is it time to migrate your site to WordPress?

There are many options in designing and creating a website or blog. From writing your code in a web language to using software for building a fully functional site, there are options for site owners. The latest option, and quickly becoming a standard, is WordPress. This is an application that allows for easy setup, launch, and updating of your site or blog. If you already have a website, how can you determine if you should migrate to WordPress? Here are a few factors to look at if you are considering utilizing WordPress for your site.


Easy Setup:

One of the most attractive features of WordPress is the easy setup. Most webhosts offer a one click install of WordPress when you sign up for their hosting services. Once you have it setup you are able to move your current site to a template you choose for your WordPress site.


Thousands of Templates:

As the popularity of WordPress grows, so does the amount of free templates. You can choose a style and design that works with your site and offers a feature rich look and feel. These templates are designed specifically for WordPress and are easy to install and customize. You can change everything from the images to the background, the fonts and colors. This makes your site unique from other WordPress sites using the same template.


Easy Updating:

One of the headaches of owning a conventional site is updating the information, keywords, and tags that are associated with your site. With WordPress it is made to be easy. You can simply access all of your site information through the easy to navigate dashboard and tweak what needs to be tweaked.


Easy to Post:

It is important in SEO as well for your traffic to be consistent in your content. With WordPress it is easy to add a new post using their form in the dashboard. Even if you don’t have time to log in and post every day, you can even schedule content to automatically post. This allows you to upload your content in one day and schedule each post for the remainder of the week.


Additional Logins:

If you are working with a partner or have writers giving you the content on the site, you can create a contributor login for WordPress that will allow them to login and upload their content. You can choose for them to have rights to publish directly on your site or require your approval for everything they submit. This is a great way to decrease the amount of time it takes for updating your site.


Free Tools:

SEO is an important aspect of any site. With WordPress, SEO is simplified and even automated. There are hundreds of tools and add-ons available to help with the SEO portion of your site. This is a great feature if SEO is not your strong point.


Having a website can prove to be beneficial if you have a subject or message you would like to discuss. If you are low on time, knowledge, or are just looking for an option that will make managing your site easier, then take a look at WordPress and decide if your site would be better off on their platform.


Martin Hines is a Seattle WordPress Developer and writer, offering advice for those looking to start a website.