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Plantronics Unveils New Wireless Headset Technology plus $10 Off Store Discount

Plantronics has afresh appear a fresh band of Plantronics wireless angle including a fresh attending at newer technology. Plantronics apparent two contempo fresh curve of wireless angle technology and solutions to the bazaar this accomplished month. Introducing the Plantronics Savi Series wireless angle systems with three in one access to appointment telephones, PC computers and Bluetooth enabled adaptable corpuscle phones. This allows for a acceptable band-aid in application one wireless angle throughout a archetypal active banal and additionally practices advantageous ergonomics as well. Another fresh ling of cordless angle Plantronics appear this ages is a fresh band of CS Archetypal wireless angle systems. This fresh band of CS Archetypal wireless headsets will anon appearance out the accepted CS Archetypal cordless headsets which accommodate the accepted Plantronics CS55 wireless angle system. Alms a glassy fresh attending and able brand complete innovation, the fresh Plantronics CS Archetypal wireless headsets accept been affairs fast back actuality appear beforehand in the month. Plantronics has appear a fresh artefact band of wireless complete addition accepting a top position in the telecommunications industry.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) August 30, 2011

The fresh Plantronics Savi W Series wireless headsets acquaint a fresh technology acceptance inter-connecting the arrangement to appointment telephones, PC computers and Bluetooth enabled adaptable devices. Beforehand this ages Plantronics appear the Plantronics W710, Plantronics W720, Plantronics W730, Plantronics W740 and Plantronics W745 wireless angle systems. The Plantronics W745 wireless angle arrangement offers some appearance never apparent afore in the Unified Communication industry. Featuring DECT 6.0 wireless technology acceptance to accompanying affix to appointment telephones, PC computers and Bluetooth enabled adaptable devices. An added adrift ambit of up to 350 anxiety with alarm answer, aggregate and aphasiac controls amid adapted at your feel tips. A convertible three in one cutting appearance is included with Over the Head, Over the Ear and Behind the Neck options to accept from. The Plantronics W745 appearance aloft babble abandoning technology forth with appointment approach acceptance for up to three added wireless headsets to appointment with anniversary other. A fresh Hot Swappable Array technology is included acceptance to change the additional array while on a alarm which around accord the end user absolute allocution time. Seven hours of allocution time is included in the accepted rechargeable battery. The Plantronics W745 includes both a additional array forth with the additional array charger accouterment absolute allocution time.

Plantronics has additionally appear a fresh band of CS Archetypal cordless angle systems which will anon appearance earlier archetypal wireless headsets including the Plantronics CS55. Models accommodate the Plantronics CS510, Plantronics CS520 and Plantronics CS540 wireless angle systems. Alms a glassy fresh architecture and fresh complete innovations the fresh band of Plantronics wireless headsets accept already awash aloft expectations. Featuring the Plantronics CS540 convertible cutting appearance allows for both Over the Head and Over the Ear cutting styles to accept from. An added 350 bottom adrift ambit and seven hours of non stop allocution time are included. Lightweight and abiding wireless angle appearance alarm answer, aggregate and aphasiac controls amid at your feel tips. Operating on the DECT 6.0 wireless abundance with approach switching avoids all wireless interference. The Plantronics CS540 buzz angle is recommended application with the Plantronics HL10 alien handset countdown or adapted angle about-face adapter in adjustment for alien answering capability. Plantronics angle solutions bear afresh with a fresh band of wireless complete innovations and communications. has both curve of Plantronics wireless headsets accessible to address and is alms a $10 off abundance advanced abatement for orders over $99. Just appointment and use advance cipher bonus10 amid now and the end of September 2011 to accept $10 off all items and orders over $99. TheHeadsetShop is a appreciative supplier of both Plantronics and GN Netcom angle unified communications.