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Earn money online by uploading photos

If you are looking to host your images online for free, there are many choices from Flickr to Picasa to PhotoBucket. But that’s about to change dramatically! A new site called ShareAPic wants you to host your images and pictures on their servers and PAY you for it!

Earning money online is quite a fun. You can Earn Money Online for nearly anything that you do most of the time on the Internet.

How to Earn Money Online Uploading Photos? Shareapic is a free image sharing site that allows its users to upload and host their images on their servers & also share them easily with others. But the most fun part with shareapic is that it shares revenue with its users for sharing the images with others. It is quite to make money from ShareApic. You earn money for every image view that your image gets. The set rate is $0.22 per 1000 pic views. This means, that if you uploaded a photo of anything (your pet, car etc), & it gets thousand views, you will get $0.22 . Though this might appear less, but if you have lots of images hosted there & they get a lot of views, then you might earn good. They pay each month through paypal when your earnings reach $20.

An example from Sharepic way to make money from sharing pictures

They have also added a new feature recently, thats you are now able to add your bidvertiser ad network code to your images, so you can earn more from bidvertiser as well.

You can signup for this cool service here.